Common snags in 90% of new build homes
Being a professional snagging company, you can only imagine that we have seen it all, and your right we have, however we do find reoccurring snags in 90% of houses. We are not entirely sure to the reasons why and the reasons why they haven’t been rectified for future plots. The “it will do attitude” come to mind and when working on sites I heard this sentence too many times.
Here is a small list of some of the items you can check for yourselves without paying for the service or having to have specialist equipment:
- Door rattling whilst shut
- Gaps around doors not uniform
- Front door not closing properly
- Squeaky stairs when walking up or down
- Perps to brickwork not uniform or in tolerance
- Radiators not level
- Screw pops to walls and ceilings
- Sockets not secure to wall
- Kitchen not level
- Slow leaking pipe under sink or bath
These are just a few items that are easy to check which may give you an idea if you need to have a full snag report done. The list above is only small quality issues but ask yourselves this one question “if the fundamental easy items are not right then who know what lies beneath”.
If I said New Home Quality Control pick up an average of 160 snags per property would this sound alarming to you? If so then a professional snag report on your new home is essential.
Take a good look through the website for some insight on what happens and what things we looked for. This may be of help to you. There is also a free download available for all to use. It’s a free snag tick sheet for all new home owners to snag their own property’s.
We also offer a free advice sheet on how to approach site teams to organise your snagging to be done.